Friday 12 June 2009

Bernie in London... again!! =)

Seems I become a tourist everytime Berps comes to London.. It's good in a way that I would never bother to see parts of London that are usually out of my way.. Worse part was travelling yet again because of the tube strike.

We actually had lunch at Abeno Too before walking to Trafalgar Square and on to the river.

Bernie's idea to take this photo.

The oracle knows all..

Some of the street performers by the riverside were actually quite cool..

Some weird Dali sculpture.

My face sooo round!!! T_T

More Dali stuff..

Can you spot Bernie's head? He insisted I took the entire building so I did..

Then we had Haagan Daaz after a really, really long walk. Caramel cream and biscuit, strawberry cheesecake, chocolate midnight cookie, macadamian nut brittle, waffle and strawberries!! Yum! No wonder la.. face getting rounder and rounder!!

Then I had to face the trouble of getting back to Earl's Court. Stupid, tulan, pms bus driver.. first he show sour face. Then he complain someone keeps pressing the bell. THEN he terminated the bus at freaking Hyde Park! Had to take no. 52 to High Street Kensington and walked back... Strike should be over by now thank goodness..

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