Thursday 30 April 2009


2 papers down, 8 to go.. Just went to the gym after lecture today. Omg.. my work out time got halved because I've been a lazy pig for the past 2 months!!! Oink oink =(

Anyway.. found a few random photos in my phone.. some of past birthdays this year.. I totally missed Shih Yang's birthday though.. =( So many sad faces in this entry..

Shi's belated birthday

Wen-Jei's birthday.. there's a really good video which I need to get from Voon Yuan.. For now, suffice to say, Wen-Jei will never forget the word "oops".. hehe..

Ken thinking the chair is a harp..

During one of our Selkirk lunches, Xin Ying and I realised Jiun Siang's hair was damn long.. we need to cut it =P

What did I tell you.. super random.. So lonely in my room now. Steph Yen and Wen-Jei went to do their hair and Echo went shopping. Sob sob.. I'm still so depressed bout the time I spent in the gym T_T

Sunday 26 April 2009

Freak out!

Time to spread the love! For those of you haven't seen it yet, check out this trailer:

Ohh.. I just figured out how to embed stuff. Was wondering how to do that last time.. I know, I know.. I'm quite kuno... Sighz..

Saturday 25 April 2009

But but butt entry

Ah.. Full and satisfying dinner.. Blog a bit before sitting down to work.. In a much better mood compared to earlier on today.. Picking up from the Amsterdam photos, here are the some photos from Brussels. The very first thing we saw upon reaching Brussels was this:

Garnier BUTT advert

BUTT recycling advert

Comic strip BUTT

Ok ok.. there's more to it than just butts.. Brussels also had a whole lot of peeing statues.. seriously..

Peeing boy

Peeing girl

Peeing dog

Enough bout that now.. Brussels won't be Brussels without chocolate..

Easter eggs!

More Easter eggs!

Chocolate fountain!!

MORE chocolate!!

The chick is just so adorable!!

Seafood was good too.. good food, good beer and good company.. the weather was nice and sunny too.. sighz.. *dreamy look on face*

Escargots in a scrumptious garlic butter sauce..

Raw oysters

Mussels with white wine

Ken (whose face is red), Voon Yuan, Aiwoon, me and Emily.
End of Easter vacation.
2 more days till exams.


I. Am. So. PISSED. Right. Now. Just wasted 2 hours trying to help my parents get online with the webcam and stuff so I can talk to them. 

Been a long time since I saw them so I thought I'll chat with them awhile. Mana tahu... too long never use messenger or skype or whatever so they don't remember how to do it. And there's only so much I can do to help them from here.

Why is that lousy "brother" of mine not helping them???!! My mom tells me he's too busy watching tv. WTH and WTF!!! 

I'll just bet he hasn't changed one bit since I left! GGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!

Tuesday 14 April 2009

Amsterdam photos

Ok.. time to take a break from studying. Neuroscience is driving me mad.. so.. here are some of my photos from Amsterdam..

Can you see all that whipped cream and ice cream on my blueberry pancake?? Yumz!

Day 1 breakfast at The Pancake Bakery

Some crazy fella wants to push the vehicle into the water

Poor exhausted Aiwoon and Voon Yuan on the first day

Random boob on the ground

Seems we can't escape from studies even in Amsterdam.. Laplace transform anyone?

I think this was supposed to be in Oceans 12 or something..

Creepy green baby in a cage

Day 2: Anne Frank museum. I would tag myself in the reflection if this were FB =)

At Keukenhof.. celaka.. photo kena spoilt by someone in the background.

Aiwoon getting bullied by Ken and Voon Yuan on the haystack

As promised, a windmill...

... a clog...

... and tulips!!

Flower girl

Day 3: The Heineken experience

Beer, beer, beer

How many arms can you see?? Hehe... this was taken directly after the Heineken experience!

Who's HIGH and who's not?? Again after the Heineken experience.

One final group pic on day 4 before leaving Amsterdam: Voon Yuan, Emily, Aiwoon, me and Ken

Damn.. my neck really aches now.. and I'm hungry.. Guess I'll have an early dinner before going back to studying. More photos from Brussels next time!

Monday 6 April 2009

One other thing..

There's just one more thing I forgot to mention.. I really, really hate Chamberlain.. especially the sink and the WASHING MACHINE in my flat. I complained bout the washing machine to Amir when I paid the rent the other day and the guy came to fix it the next day.. at least he claimed to have fixed it.. so we decided to test it out with Voon Yuan's laundry.

Everything was ok at first so I went to my room to do my own stuff. Suddenly, I hear sounds coming from the kitchen so I immediately went to investigate. Damn celaka!! The washing machine was leaking again. Luckily, I called Voon Yuan to bring up the pail and managed to mop up the mess before it reached the carpet.. (my place still STINKS from the first leak!)

We had to change the mode to spin to drain the water and look what happened after that. Water started spewing out from the detergent compartment like a freaking waterfall.. Seriously, wth man!!! I wanted to take a video to show Amir coz he kept claiming I put too much clothes inside which I definitely did NOT do. 

Everything happened so fast so I had no time to change the mode on my phone. Lucky I didn't take video also lar.. Later can hear all the foul language coming out from my mouth. Bleh. Stupid machine. 


Will be leaving in about an hour for Victoria-Stansted-Amsterdam. Why why why am I going to Amsterdam when I'm pretty much screwed for exams which start immediately after Easter break???!!!! The amount of stuff I need to revise.. OMG!!! Gonna have to bring some stuff to study.. but whether or not I will have the time or energy to study is another issue altogether! 

I'm going to the land of tulips, windmills, clogs and cheese.. Unfortunately, the guys look at it as the land of "magic mushrooms" and red light districts. And they are determined to drag me into a *** museum.. similar to how I drag them into watching horror movies. Oh, help!

Speaking of horror movies.. do watch Into the Mirror.. the Korean one!! It's really, really good. Sh*t.. I'm freaking myself out with the picture now. I'm all alone in my flat.. Echo went back to China and Steph Yen's in Swansea.. omg omg omg omg!!!

For something scary/ funny/ emo, the Eye 10 is not bad really.. I'm freaking myself out now. Scary scary scary. Screw.. I think it's best if I stick to normal movies.. Twilight: New Moon on Nov 20.. Yeah... 

Be back on Friday. Have a good week, all =)

Sunday 5 April 2009

A lion called Christian

At first, I was just looking at pictures of baby animals like..

... this baby pygmy marmoset here.. basically, one of the smallest monkeys ever!

Adorable red panda cubs..

.. which eventually grow into this..

A baby lemur.. think King Julian from Madagascar =P

Then things got a bit more emo. I came across Christian the lion. Apparently, Harrods dealt with exotic animals back in the 60s. In 1969, 2 hippies, John Rendall and Ace Bourke, bought a lion cub from there. The lion was called Christian and he lived with them in a Chelsea flat, hung out in a furniture shop and exercised in a graveyard. There are videoes on youtube of Christian playing with his owners on the beach, in the country etc..

John and Ace decided to release Christian back to the wild in Africa because he was a wild animal, too wild for London despite being domesticated. It's really funny because their first night in Africa, Christian still slept on a bed with pillows and just accepted the other wild animals as part of the landscape.

Christian was introduced to another lion and a cub so they could start their own pride. What I really wanna highlight is that a year later, John and Ace returned to visit Christian and he still recognised them!! He went up to them, hugged them and nuzzled them.. Tears just flowed from my eyes when I watched this video.. it's really, really touching so I just wanna share this with y'all out there.

Interesting links can be found here: