Thursday 2 April 2009


OED.. and I am definitely not referring to the Oxford English Dictionary.. Instead, OED really stands for Obsessive Edward Disorder!!! Aaaaaahhhhhh!!! I can't stand it. I've got this "thing" for anything Twilight, a certain Edward Cullen in particular. I've had phases before: Star Wars, horror flicks... but this... Twilight is like.. on a totally different level.. in a good way.. or not.. I need to study!! It's madness I tell you!! Madness!!!

My current wallpaper =D

My fav parts in the movie... Loved the part when Bella's in the cafeteria and the Cullens make their entrance. Alice is just sooo cute. And also the part when Edward brings Bella to meet his family.. The music was so cute (quirky?) when Alice jumped off the tree to meet Bella. Edward then brings Bella to tour the rest of the house. His expression was hilarious because he thought his entire family was weird to Bella.

The Cullens: Emmett, Rosalie, Esme, Edward, Carlisle, Alice and Jasper

Then there was the part when Charlie was cleaning his gun and Bella tells him that Edward wants to meet him.. officially. Charlie then proceeds to cock the gun and tells her to bring him in.. That was totally hilarious. She had to tell him to be nice to which he responds by drawing a halo above his head.. 

"Bella, you are my life now." Awwww...

Ok.. I know I'm all over the place now but I'm just saying my fav parts as they come to my head. Who can forget the part when Edward rescues Bella from those guys at Port Angeles. And at the restaurant, Bella's asking Edward for answers and he tells her, "yes, no, to get to the other side, 1.77245.." The funny thing was she knew that 1.77245 was the square root of pi.. 
Random photo from Vanity Fair.. good looking people..

Of course we can't forget the baseball scene either.. omg.. that was soo cool. And the song Supermassive Black Hole was totally perfect for that scene. Yes, yes.. I know I'm beginning to sound obsessive. And I thought it couldn't get any worse than last summer when I was counting down the days til Breaking Dawn hit the shelves in the bookstores. Speaking of countdowns.. the next movie (New Moon) is set to be released on November 20 this year..

Ashley Greene and Rachelle Lefevre aka Alice and Victoria.
Guys, they're hot, right?
Girls, aren't the dresses pretty?
Ok ok.. time to study.. I'll rant more about Twilight another time =)