Sunday, 10 May 2009

Working on the bed

After 3 papers, I still don't know where is the best place for me to work. My chair kind of sucks so I can't sit on it for too long otherwise I'll get restless.. I'll swing around, jump around (with the chair!) and get up constantly.. plus my desk isn't big enough for everything I need.

The dining table is filled with all kinds of junk so that's out. My only other choice: the bed. Ok.. maybe the bed is a bit big.. Everytime I leave something on it, I forget where.. I'll put some papers here, some notes there.. and poof!! It's gone! Especially my phone. Whenever anyone sends me a text, the message tone ends before I can find my phone. I've been using my housemate's phone to call mine so I can find it for the past few days.

Now I've got inkstains on my hands, my bed, even my knee.. that's how much writing I've been doing.. maths, maths, maths.. One problem with doing work on the bed. There's no place to sleep when it's bedtime! Sighz.. -_-


  1. Good Luck! Have faith that all this torment will bear fruits at the end of the day! :P

  2. all the best with your exams wei!! can't wait for mine to be over!!! OMG i have a paper in 9 hours what am i doing!!!! :'(

  3. hey, at least u are studying....

  4. ah.. thanks for the wishes.. i really need it!! roy.. u're studying too... right??
