Funny thing was.. Shi Lin and I left Earl's Court with plenty of time to reach Leceister Square. Mana tahu.. at Knightsbridge, we realised we forgot to bring the birthday cake!! OMG!! It was 7pm by the time we reached the restaurant and surprise, surprise, they just finished ordering!
Aiyor.. so sweet.. the birthday boys!!
Amy, Stella, Steph and Ben
Shih Yang got everyone including Aruna to do this survery on AIDS and STIs
Happy Birthday to Ben and Paul...
Ben heroically saving Paul from a fate worse than death (nah.. just removing the candles)
All the best to both the birthday boys.. Can't believe they've reached the big 2-1 already.. Time really flies..
hahaha don't talk like you're so olddd la mel! kiddddoo!!! =D